Neodymium magnets used in Magrip system are very strong, keeping magnetic energy for 2000 years [loosing 5% of energy in every 100 years],
therefore they will keep serving for many hundreds of years before their power depletes to the level insufficient for Magrip's satisfactory performance.
It's fair to say, that Magrip system outlives
by many hundreds of years not only you and current generation, but countless generations to come, not only existence of any cards, money bills and coins, but also all kinds of future
means of financial transaction and circulation.
Under normal circumstances and usage of the wallet, there will never be a reason for magnets removal, much less replacement.
But, if magnets get contaminated by ferrometal dust, or shavings, they will have to be removed and cleaned by rolling them on a piece of scotch tape, tapping the flat sides.
Only two other ways of disrupting the magnets' power is by heating them up to high temperature [>90 degrees Celsius | >194 degrees Fahrenheit], or demagnetizing by exposing them to magnetic field of an extremely strong magnet for extended period of time.

Should there be any reason for magnets removal after all, please note and keep in mind following:
- All magnets, no matter if small or big, demonstrate their strong will for freedom and independence. As soon as you start taking the wallet apart, magnets will jump out of their beds
and congregate to group(s) of neatly aligned
members, no hint for where and how they have been placed just a split of a second ago.
- While magnets insertion, please follow the image-guide, as it shows correct polar orientation
of the magnets.
Even though the Magrip system works the same
with the magnets in any polar orientation,
as long as the pair of them in each corner shares the same orientation (repels one another),
some wallet addons and accessories (are currently in designing phase) will be attached to the wallet
by magnetic attraction, which will work correctly
with original magnet polarity setup only.